AGO CrestDowntown PittsburghPittsburgh Chapter
of the
American Guild of Organists

Print this form. email icon, gill it out and mail it as per the instructions below.

(Confidential: for AGO Substitute file only)


Pittsburgh Chapter, American Guild of Organists

1. Personal Information

a.Name____________________________________________Phone #_________________
                    Last,     First,       Middle (or Initial)

                  (Apt.#) # and Street               City               State                  ZIP

c. What borough or township is this?____________________County_____________________

d. Do you wish to have your name published in the Pipelines substitute list?____yes    ____no

2. Service-playing preferences

e. Please specify your travel range:_________________________________________________

f. I wish to substitute as:  (Worship service preference)

___ organist only         ___ liturgical only > Denominational preference____________________
___ director only         ___ Non-liturgical only >Denominational preference________________
___ organist/director   ___ either liturgical or non-liturgical> Denominational preference______

g. Services you are willing to play:

___Sunday a.m.     ___Saturday p.m.     ___Sunday p.m.       ___Will consider holidays

___Other day/s Specify___________________________________________________

h. How much advance notice do you prefer?_________________________________________

i. Are you willing to be called on short notice for an emergency? ___yes___no

j. How do you rate yourself on these skills? (0=none;  1=minimal;  2=good;  3=excellent)

___ Keyboard skills                        ___ Conducting children’s choir/s
___ Pedal skills                                ___ Conducting Handbell Choir
___ Accompanying                          ___ Improvisation
___ Hymn playing                           ___ Transposition  
___Conducting choir from console   ___ Cantor for Mass
___Conducting choir from podium


k. Please rate how familiar you are with: (0=none; 1=minimal; 2=good;3=excellent)

___pipe organ     ___electronic organ    ___electronic keyboard     ___piano

l. Is there any task (Children’s choirs, etc.) you would not or could not perform if asked?

3. References

m. Please list three religious institutions with contact name and telephone number where you have recently played:




         You may also attach your current resume, if you wish.

4. Fees

n. Please specify the fee you expect per event:

______ Worship Service              ______ Rehearsal with choir/soloist

______ Other (please specify)       ______ Funeral          ______ Wedding

o. Is this negotiable? ____no       ____yes (please explain)

5. Professional Education

       Academic degree (include major/s), school and year completed

      AGO certification and year 

r. (When) do you plan to take the Service Playing Exam, if you have not done so?_____________

s. Private study (with whom, where, when?)__________________________________________

6. Certification and signature

Your signature certifies that all information on this application is true and accurate.


Your signature__________________________________________ Date__________________


7. Important information for you

In order to foster good communication, you will receive a copy of Guidelines for Substitute Service when your name is placed on the substitute list. These will also be sent to any party requesting substitute services.

8. Submitting this form

Please print, fill out and return this form to Substitute and Placement Service Committee Chairperson:

Nicholas Will
801 Clearview Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15205-3203

Copyright © 2025, Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. All rights reserved.