AGO CrestDowntown PittsburghPittsburgh Chapter
of the
American Guild of Organists

Pittsburgh Chapter
American Guild of Organists



Monthly Meetings - Dinner ($18) begins at 6:30 and Programs at 8:00
OAS Concerts begin as noted.

Standing reservation for meetings may be purchased in the September newsletter or via the web form.
Reservations for dinner meetings should be made at least ten (10) days in advance by contacting
OAS tickets may be purchased at the door or via the web at

The Pittsburgh AGO Program Committee has worked hard to provide another exciting year of workshops, services, master classes and recitals for all of you.  Please mark these dates on your calendar and don’t forget, you can sign up for all dinners at the beginning of the year.  We look forward to seeing you at the first meeting of the season.  All meetings will begin with dinner at 6:30 and programs at 8:00.  Please make reservations for dinner at least one week before by contacting the chapter registrar. You may attend either part as you wish.

OAS concerts are ticketed events. They do not have a meeting component but do feature a reception afterwards.

Monthly Meetings & OAS Concerts


Location & Theme

28-Sep East Liberty Presbyterian, Pittsburgh
Installation Service       


OAS Concert - Friday - 8PM
Scott Dettra
at Calvary Episcopal, Pittsburgh- reception follows

26-Oct Saint Paul Cathedral, Oakland
Theimo Janssen - Northern European Organs

23-Nov Duquesne Univeristy, Pittsburgh
Peter Luley - organ crawl and fixes


OAS Concert - Sunday - 4PM
Jonathan Rudy
at Shadyside Presbyterian Church - reception follows


chez Ed Halo (North side of Pittsburgh)
Holiday Party – watch Pipelines for details

25-Jan Saint Bernard, Mount Lebanon
Susan Rice - Choral Conducting & Vocal Production

22-Feb Saint Paul's Episcopal, Mount Lebanon
Justin Bischof - Workshop on Organ Improvisation


OAS Concert -Sunday - 4PM
Isabelle Demers
at Westminster Presbyterian, Mount Lebanon- reception follows

Mar No Meeting This Month!
Conflicts with Easter


OAS Concert -Friday - 8PM
Christian Lane
at Saint Paul Cathedral, Pittsburgh - reception follows

25-Apr Saint Paul Cathedral, Pittsburgh
Bruce Stevens talk on Anton Heiller and the Orgelbüchlein

23-May Saint Vincent, Latrobe
Joint meeting with Greensburg Chapter to visit new Buzard instrument there.

Copyright © 2025, Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. All rights reserved.