AGO Crest

Sponsored by the
Pittsburgh Chapter
American Guild of Organists


Organ Artists Series
of Pittsburgh
412-242-2787 (arts)

Heinz Memorial Chapel
University of Pittsburgh Campus
Bellefield and Fifth Avenues
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260

Heinz Memorial Chapel organ console

Renovations and Additions by Reuter, Opus 2176, 1994-5
4,272 pipes, 73 ranks

Main Console 3 manuals - movable in front of Chapel
Gallery Console 2 manuals - fixed in rear balcony of Chapel
20 general pistons, 6 coupler pistons
3 Tutti levels on pistons and studs
6 division pistions in each division
8 reversible studs for couplers
3 reversible studs for 32' stops
Peterson Master Stop Processor with
99 levels, 4 crescendo levels
Gallery organ disconnect
MIDI In,out, through


Great Swell Antiphonal Pedal

(main console)

(main console) (main & gallery consoles)
16' Rohrbourdon (73 pipes) 16' Contre Gamba (80 pipes) 16' Holzgedeckt (Ant.Pos.Holzgedeckt 8' - 32 notes)
8' Principal (61 pipes) 16' Flûte à Cheminée (80 pipes) 8' Prestant (Ant.Gt. Prestant 8' - 32 notes)
8' Harmonic Flute (73 pipes) 8' Flûte à Cheminée (Sw.Fl. à Ch.16' - 68 notes) 8' Holzgedeckt (Ant.Pos.Holzgedeckt 8' - 32 notes)
8' Rohrbourdon (Gt. Rohrbourdon 16' - 61 notes) 8' Viola da Gamba (Sw.Co.Gam.16' - 68 notes) 4' Prestant (Ant. Gt. Prestant 8' - 32 notes)
4' Octave (61 pipes) 8' Voix Celeste (56 pipes) 8' Krumhorn (Ant. Gt. Krumhorn 8' - 32 notes)
4' Harmonic Flute (Gt.Harm.Flute 8' - 61 notes) 4' Flûte Harmonique (68 pipes) 4' Krumhorn (Ant. Gt. Krumhorn 8' - 32 notes)
2' Fifteenth (61 pipes) 4' Principal (68 pipes) 6 Divisional Pistons
IV Fourniture (244 pipes) 2' Flûte à Bec (61 pipes) Unexpressive
III Cymbal (183 pipes) 22/3' Nazard (61 pipes)
16' Tromba (85 pipes) 13/5' Tierce (61 pipes) Pedal
8' Tromba (Gt. Tromba 16' - 61 notes) IV Plein Jeu (244 pipes) (main console)
4' Tromba (Gt. Tromba 16' - 61 notes) 16' Bombarde (68 pipes) 32' Untersatz (Allen Electronic - 32 notes)
8' Tuba (61 pipes) 8' Trompette (68 pipes) 32' Sub Bourdon (Allen Electronic - 32 notes)
Chimes (25 tubes) 8' Hautbois (68 pipes) 16' Principal (32 pipes)
Tremulant 8' Voix Humaine (68 pipes) 16' Bourdon (56 pipes)
Great-Great 16' 4' Clarion (68 pipes) 16' Contre Gamba (Sw.Co.Gamba 16' - 32 notes)
Great Unison Off 8' Tuba (Gt. Tuba 8' expressive - 61 notes) 16' Rohrbourdon (Gt.Rohrbourdon 16' - 32 notes)
Great-Great 4' Tremulant 16' Flûte à Cheminée (Sw.Fl. à Ch.16' - 32 notes)
Swell-Great 16' Swell-Swell 16' 8' Octave (32 pipes)
Swell-Great 8' Swell Unison Off 8' Bourdon (Pd. Bourdon 16' - 32 notes)
Swell-Great 4' Swell-Swell 4' 8' Viola da Gamba (Sw.V.da Gamba 8' - 32 notes)
Choir-Great 16' 6 Divisional Pistons 8' Spitzflute (44 pipes)
Choir-Great 8' Expressive 8' Rohrbourdon (Pd. Bourdon 16' - 32 notes)
Choir-Great 4' 8' Flûte à Cheminée (Sw. Fl. à Ch. 8' - 32 notes)
Antiphonal Postiv-Great 16' Choir 4' Choral Bass (32 pipes)
Antiphonal Postiv-Great 8' (main console) 4' Bourdon (Pd. Bourdon 16' - 32 notes)
Antiphonal Postiv-Great 4' 8' Diapason (61 pipes) 4' Spitzflute (Pd. Spitzflute 8' - 32 notes)
Choir-Great Transfer 8' Dolcan (61 pipes) 4' Harmonic Flute (Gt. Har. Flute 4' - 32 notes)
6 Divisional Pistons 8' Dolcan Celeste (49 pipes) 2' Nachthorn (32 pipes)
Unexpressive 8' Stopped Flute (61 pipes) III Mixture (96 pipes)
4' Octave (61 pipes) 32' Contra Posaune (Allen Electronic - 32 notes)
Antiphonal Great 22/3' Twelfth (61 pipes) 16' Posaune (56 pipes)

(main & gallery consoles)

2' Recorder (61 pipes) 16' Tromba (Gt. Tromba 16' - 32 notes)
8' Prestant (56 pipes) 13/5' Seventeenth (61 pipes) 16' Bombarde (Sw. Bombard 16' - 32 notes)
8' Hohlflute (56 pipes) 11/3' Nineteenth (61 pipes) 8' Posaune (Pd. Posaune 16' - 32 notes)
8' Gemshorn (56 pipes) III Scharff (138 pipes) 8' Tromba (Gt. Tromba 8' - 32 notes)
4' Prinzipal (56 pipes) 16' Dulcian (61 pipes) 8' Bombarde (Sw. Bombarde 8' - 32 notes)
2' Blockflöte (56 pipes) 8' Tromba (Gt. Tromba 8' - 61 notes) 4' Posaune (Pd. Posaune 16' - 32 notes)
11/3'Quint (56 pipes) 8' Trumpet (61 pipes) 4' Bombarde (Sw. Bombarde 16' - 32 notes)
II Sesquialtera (60 pipes) 8' Scham (61 pipes) 8' Tuba (Gt. Tuba 8' expressive - 32 notes)
8' Krumhorn (56 pipes) 16' Tuba tc (Gt. Tuba 16' expressive - 49 notes) Chimes (Gt. Chimes)
Zimbelstern 8' Tuba (Gt. Tuba 8' expressive - 61 notes) Great-Pedal 8'
Tremulant 4' Tuba (Gt. Tuba 4' expressive - 61 notes) Great-Pedal 4'
Antiphonal Great 16' Tremulant Swell-Pedal 8'
Unison Off 6 Divisional Pistons Swell-Pedal 4'
Antiphonal Great 4' Choir-Choir 16' Choir-Pedal 8'
6 Divisional Pistons Choir Unison Off Choir-Pedal 4'
Unexpressive Choir-Choir 4' Antiphonal Great-Pedal 8'
Swell-Choir 16' Antiphonal Great-Pedal 4'
Antiphonal Positiv
Swell-Choir 8' Antiphonal Positiv-Pedal 8'
(main & gallery consoles) Swell-Choir 4' Antiphonal Positiv-Pedal 4'
8' Holzgedeckt (56 pipes) Expressive 6 Divisional Pistons
4' Koppelflute (56 pipes)   Unexpressive
2' Weitprinzipal (56 pipes)  
1' Sifflote (56 pipes)   General
III Zimbel (168 pipes)   (main console)
8' Petite Trumpet (56 pipes)   Peterson Orga-Plex Switching
8' Krumhorn (Ant.Gt. Krumhorn 8' - 56 notes)   99 Addressable memories
Tremulant   20 General Pistons
Ant. Positiv-Ant. Positiv 16'   6 Coupler Pistons
Antiphonal Positiv Unison Off   6 MIDI pistons
Ant. Positiv-Ant. Positiv 4'   4 Crescendo memories
6 Divisional Pistons   3 Tutti on pistons & studs-reversible
Unexpressive   8 Reversible studs for couplers
  3 Reversible studs for 32’ pedal stops
    “Restore” Piston, Gallery Disconnect
    MIDI in/out/through

Copyright © 2025, Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. All rights reserved.