AGO Crest

Sponsored by the
Pittsburgh Chapter
American Guild of Organists


Organ Artists Series
of Pittsburgh
412-242-2787 (arts)

Saint Bernard Roman Catholic Church
311 Washington Road
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15216-1665

saint-bernard organ console

Saint Bernard Roman Catholic Church
311 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15216-1619
Organ by Casavant Frères Limitée, Opus 2641, 1961
(Lawrence Phelps, designer)
Restoration by Emory Brothers,  Doylstown, PA 2006, Charles Callahan, Tonal Consultant
Console by R.A. Colby Co., Johnson City, TN, 2006;  Digital voices by Walker, Zionsville, PA. 2006

Grand Orgue Man. I
16'  Quintaton
8' Montre
8' Flute Conique
8' Bourdon
4' Prestant
4' Flute a Cheminee
22/3' Quinte
2' Doublette
II   Petite Cornet 22/3
IV   Grand Fourniture 11/3
IV   Cymbale2/3
8'   Trompette
Grand Orgue Unison Off
Melodic Bass

Enclosed Great Man. I
16' Double Diapason
16' Bourdon
8'   Open Diapason
8'   Gambe
8'   Gambe Celeste
8'   Orchestral Violes II
8'   Flute Harmonique
4'   Octave
51/3' Grosse Quinte
31/5' Grosse Tierce
V   Cornet 8
III-V Mixture 2
16'  Double Tromba
8'   Tromba
Enc. Gt. Unison Off

Positif  Man. II
8'   Montre
8'   Bourdon
4'   Prestant
4'   Flute a Fuseau
22/3' Nasard
2'   Doublette
2'   Flute a bec
13/5 '  Tierce
11/3 '  Larigot
1'  Sifflet
IV   Fourniture 1'
III  Cymbale ½'
8'    Cromorne
Flute Tremulant
Positif Unison Off
Tower Bells(Antiphonal)
Pedale to Positif 8

Choir  Man. II
16'  Flute Conique
8'   Diapason
8'   Viola
8'   Viola Celeste
8'   Unda Maris II
8'   Concert Flute
4'   Principal
4'   Flute d’Amour
2'   Flautino
III-IV Grave Mixture 22/3
16'  Fagotto
8'   Corno d’Amore
8'   Cromorne
4'   Chalumeau
8'   Harp
8'   Cantorial Nason Flute
8'   Cantorial – Gemshorn
Celeste II
16'  Choir
4'  Choir
Choir Unison Off

Recit  Man. III
16'  Contre Gambe
16'  Bourdon
8'   Principal Etroit
8'   Viole de Gambe
8'   Voix Celeste
8'   Echo Violes  II
8'   Flute a Cheminee
8'   Flute Harmonique
8'   Flute Celeste II
4'   Octave
4'   Cor de Chamois
4'   Flute Octaviante
22/3' Nasard
2'   Doublette
2'   Flute a bec
13/5' Tierce
IV  Plein Jeu 2
IV  Cymbale 1
16' Bombarde
8'  Trompette
8'  English Trumpet
8'  Hautbois
8'  Voix Humaine
4'  Clairon
4'  Recit
Recit Unison Off
8'  Festival Trumpet (Solo)


Solo  Man. IV
8'  Doppel Flute
8'  Cello
8'  Cello Celeste
8'  Kleine Erzahler  II
4'  Orchestral Flute
16' Bass Clarinet
8'  English Horn
8'  Orchestral Oboe
8'  Corno di Bassetto
8'  French Horn
8'  Trompette Harmonique
4'  Clairon Harmonique
16' Solo
4' Solo
Solo Unison Off
Celestial Chimes (Ant.)
Enclosed Great to Solo
8'   Festival Trumpet
8'   Tuba Mirabilis (Ant.)

Antiphonal  Man. IV
16' Quintaton
8'  Principal
8'  Gemshorn
8'  Cor de Nuit
8'  Quintaton
4'  Octave
4'  Flute
22/3' Twelfth
2'  Fifteenth
IV  Fourniture 11/3'
16' Bombarde en Chamade
8'  Trompette en Chamade
4'  Clairon en Chamade
Aniphonal Unison Off

Antiphonal Pedal
16'    Contrebasse
16'    Quintaton
8'    Octave
16'    Flute Conique
Antiphonal Pedal Off

32'    Contre Violone
32'    Flute Conique
32'    Contre Bourdon
16'    Contrebasse
16'    Flute Ouverte
16'    Montre
16'    Soubasse
16'    Violone
16'    Quintaton
16'    Contre Gambe (Swell)
16'    Flute Conique (Choir)
8'     Prestant
8'     Bourdon
8'     Violone
8'     Flute Conique (Choir)
4'     Octave
4'     Flute a Fuseau
2'     Flute des Bois
III     Fourniture  4'
IV     Cymbale  11/3' '
32'    Contre Bombarde
32'    Contre Basson
16'    Bombarde
16'    Posaune
16'    Fagotto (Choir)
8'    Trompette
8'    Posaune
4'    Klarine
Timpani Strike
Timpani Roll
Sanctuary Pedal Off
Choir to Pedal
Solo to Pedal
Echo to Pedal
Ant. to Pedal
Choir to Pedal 4'
Solo to Pedal 4


Grand Orgue to Pedal
Enclosed Great to Pedal
Positif to Pedal
Recit to Pedal
Positif to Great
Recit to Great
Choir to Great
Solo to Great
Echo to Great
Antiphonal to Great
Choir to Great 16'
Solo to Great 16'
Recit to Great 4'
Choir to Great 4'
Solo to Great 4'

Recit to Positif
Enclosed Great to Positif
Solo to Positif.
Echo to Positif.
Antiphonal to Positif
Recit to Positif 4'

Enclosed Great to Recit
Choir to Recit
Positif to Great
Solo to Recit

Great/Grand Orgue on Solo
Solo Melody on Great
Manual Transfer I – II

Tutti I
Tutti II
Antiphonal Tutti

The Echo couplers enable Choir division stops to be played from the Antiphonal Gallery

Walker Memory System:
24 General Pistons
x8' Levels of Memory
x16' Memory Banks

(possibility of 3,072 general pistons)

† - stops not affected by couplers







Copyright © 2025, Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. All rights reserved.