Sponsored by the
Pittsburgh Chapter
American Guild of Organists
Organ Artists Series
of Pittsburgh
412-242-2787 (arts)
Saint Paul Cathedral
Original instrument by Rudolf von Beckerath, 1962 |
Great (unenclosed) |
Solo (enclosed) |
Pedal (unenclosed) |
16' Principal | 8' Gedeckt | 32' Principal |
8' Principal | 4' Principal | 16' Principal |
8' Koppelqedackt | 4' Rohrflöte | 16' Subbasse |
4' Octave | 22/3' Quintflöte | 16' Flute |
22/3' Quinte | 2' Waldflöte | 8' Octave |
2' Mixture | 13/5' Tierce | 8' Spielflöte |
IV Scharf | 11/3' Nasat | 4' Octave |
16' Trumpet | 1' Sifflöte | 4' Rohrflöte |
8' Trumpet | III Cymbal | 2' Nachthorn |
4' Trumpet | 8' Vox Humana | VI Mixture |
4' Musette | III Rauschpfeife | |
Swell (unenclosed) |
Tremulant | 32' Posaune |
16' Pousane | ||
16' Quintadena | Rückpositiv (enclosed) |
16' Fagott |
8' Violflöte | 8' Trumpet | |
8' Flute | 8' Principal | 4' Trumpet |
8' Gemshorn | 8' Quintadena | |
8' Gemshorn Celeste | 8' Rohrflöte | Couplers |
4' Violflöte | 4' Octave | Swell to Great |
4' Nachthorn | 4' Blockflöte | Solo to Great |
22/3' Nasat | 22/3 ' Nasat | Ruckpositiv to Great |
2' Blockflöte | 2' Octave | Swell to Pedal |
VI Mixture | 2' Gemshorn | Great to Pedal (2008) |
V Cornet | 11/3' Quinte | |
16' Fagott | V Scharf | Combinations |
8 Oboe | II Sesquialtera | 10 General |
4' Shalmei | 16' Bärpfeife | 6 Divisional |
8' Trompette-en-chamade | 8' Cromorne | 250 Levels of Memory |
4' Clairon-en-chamade | ||
Tremulant |
Copyright © 2025, Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. All rights reserved.