Pittsburgh Chapter
American Guild of Organists
Pictures Of Recent Events
22-Oct-2006 - Organ Artists Series Concert featuring James Welch, organist and lecturer, Santa Clara University in a program of Latin American organ music. Co-sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh Center for Latin American Studies.
Jim arrived on Friday, with little time to practice he went straight to work at the Heinz Memorial Chapel instrument.
However he did have some time to get out to stretch his legs and take a picture of the Chapel from the outside.
As well as the impressive 42 floor Cathedral of Learning, the University of Pittsburgh's main administration building, just across the quad.
The view inside of the 4 floor "Commons Room" explains why it's called "Cathedral of Learning".
It's flanked by nearly 3 dozen "Nationality Classrooms" around the base, representing different nationalities that have contributed to the Pittsburgh region. Jim takes a break in the Indian classroom modeled after a room in the University of Nandila in central India. Students in the picture in the background learn of the Hindu blessed trinity, Shiva (creator), Brahma (preserver) and Vishnu (destroyer).
A quick elevator ride to the 36th floor provides a view across Panther Hollow to see Carnegie Mellon University, the nearby neighbor.
On the day of the concert, things got started early with a pre-concert lecture. About 30 people came to hear news of the organ world in Latin America.
Including Reid Reading (pictured left), from the University of Pittsburgh Center for Latin American Studies who helped underwrite the concert.
The lecture was wonderful, it had wide appeal for the musicologists in the audience as well as those with casual interests.
Meanwhile, in the lobby, people were starting to arrive for the concert.....
A nice size crowd was ready and waiting for the performance; about 135 or so were waiting for the performance....
....which started with some spectacular playing!
And some well deserved applause!
A lot of 'buzz' in the air at intermission.....
And some very brisk CD sales, people liked what they heard!
Folks were anxious to get seated to hear the rest of the program.
Which continued with that Latin flair.....
Ending with a few well-deserved bows and an encore!
At the reception, a popular Brazilian soft drink was on hand for a thirst performer.
Virtually everyone who sampled it thought that it was really great!
Sangria and South American wines were also on hand,
something for everyone's palette.
Chapel docent, Robert Digby (left) and his assistant April were a tremendous help putting together the reception. They were pleased that it all went so well......
....very pleased? Love is always in bloom at the Chapel so it would seem!
Eventually the food and drink faded, and people trickled out the door....
The evening was not yet done for the performer. Alice Young (pictured left) missed the last few pieces of the program in order to run home and prepare a wonderful post-concert dinner. Don Fellows (pictured right), also arrived at the Young's house to check in to make sure all was OK. Alice and her husband, Dr. Hugh Young, have graciously provided housing to many OAS performers over the years as well as generously extended their hospitality with wonderful post-concert dinners.
(above) Alice checks a few final details before dinner......
The guests arrived to a beautifully appointed table.
After the meal, and pleasant conversation, Jim signs the 'guest book', and bids all a fond farewell,
the end to a perfect day and perfect concert
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