AGO CrestDowntown PittsburghPittsburgh Chapter
of the
American Guild of Organists

Pittsburgh Chapter
American Guild of Organists

Pictures Of Recent Events


Recent Events - 28-Oct-2012 - Organ Artists Series Concert featuring Christopher Herrick, international concert organist, in performance at Saint Paul Cathedral.


Christopher arrived and practiced several days before the concert. By Sunday, he was well prepared and familiar with the instrument.


He took some time to check out the program and was making notes for thoughtful remarks that he'd deliver throughout the performance....

Christopher and Don Fellows, organist and Music Director at the Cathedral, finalized a few last minute details while things down-below were in process.



















Meanwhile, downstairs, there was lots of activity as people came in for the concert...


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Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick   Herrick

After the concert began, Christopher took time between pieces to make some interesting remarks and clarifications about the pieces.





Intermission gave folks time to stretch...

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Herrick Herrick Herrick

At the end of the concert, the crowd gave Christopher a standing ovation which brought on an encore, followed by a rush to the reception to meet and greet the performer....

Herrick Herrick Herrick

Everyone enjoyed chatting with Christopher at the reception and enjoying the great things to eat as well as some wine....

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Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick Herrick Herrick
Herrick   Herrick

Finally, the last scrap of food was just about gone, as were all the happy participants from the event.

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